
Once the Lights Are Lit

Songs, lyrics, and organ music for Christmas with the Philharmonic Children's Choir.


Tuesday | 12/24/2024
2:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan
5 € for Gäste unter 18J.
11 € for SB ab GdB80 (+ggf. Begleitung)

About the Concert

There are some annoying traditions, and then there are those that really make an event complete. The Christmas concert of our Philharmonic Children's Choir undoubtedly belongs to the latter! Once again this year, they invite grandparents, parents, and especially all children to listen to familiar and lesser-known Christmas songs, and to sing along to some of them. After that, the celebration can begin...


Gunter Berger
Karolina Juodelyte
Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden


Gunter Berger

Choir Director / Direction children's and civic choir

Gunter Berger studied school music and orchestral conducting, but has devoted himself primarily to choral music since 1990. From 1990 to 2011, he led the MDR Children's Choir to European fame, and from summer 2012 he took over the direction of the Dresden Philharmonic Choir for ten years. Since 2022, he has concentrated on conducting the Dresden Philharmonic Children's Choir and the Bürgerchor am Kulti as well as on his numerous teaching activities, workshops and program ideas, with which he enriches the choral scene.

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Karolina Juodelyte


The Lithuanian-born organist Karolina Juodelyte studied organ and church music in Vilnius, Vienna, Helsinki, Detmold and Berlin. She has won numerous competitions and performs as a soloist with well-known orchestras in Germany and Lithuania, playing solo recitals and chamber music concerts, including numerous world premieres, mainly of Lithuanian composers. Since July 2024, she has been the church musician at the Bernhard Lichtenberg parish in Berlin-Mitte.

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Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden

The Philharmonische Kinderchor Dresden is one of the most well-known and successful children's choirs in Germany and can look back on a history of over fifty years. 140 girls and boys currently sing in the choir's various formations, sometimes in performances with the Dresden Philharmonic and sometimes in their own concerts. The programs include works from the Renaissance to the 21st century, from many countries and cultures, from folk songs to pop adaptations.

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