abgeFRACKt & Best of Classics

Dresden Philharmonic breaks new ground

"Classical concerts seem too long for me, I don't know when to clap, and I probably don't understand the music." Do you recognize yourself? Well, we got something for you... 

We invite you to short concerts that are not like our regular symphony concerts. They last only about an hour, and the program features a piece that will simply attract its listeners, whether they have heard classical music before or not.

There are two types of concert:

©Oliver Killig


At our abFRACKt concerts, the orchestra is not dressed in tails. And if you want to learn more about the music, you can download the Wolfgang-App onto your smartphone and be guided through the respective work live in concert. Afterwards, we invite you to stay in our foyers, enjoy our abFRACKt cocktail (also available non-alcoholic) in the “Tutti” café, have a glass of wine or beer and relax a little, chat or simply look out over the city from the balcony. 

Best of Classics

With our new concert series "Best of Classics" , you can immerse yourself in the most famous pieces of classical music. At the beginning, we introduce the piece and give listening tips. Then you can enjoy the selected symphony in a short concert. Afterwards we will welcome you at the bar. The host Malte Arkona will be in conversation with the conductor on a small stage in the room. There is no musicology on the agenda - Malte would rather take us into the personal world of our respective guests.

What about families?

Of course, families with children are welcome to our new formats, but the concert series is not specifically designed for children. To use the app at abFRACKt, you must be able to read fluently and silently. All short concerts last about an hour, there are lyrics to borrow and non-alcoholic drinks available at the bar. 

Our family concerts (children 5 years and older) can be found here. 

Our upcoming concerts in both series can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Impressions of Short & Casual Concerts

Upcoming Concerts