Dresdner Philharmonie © Björn Kadenbach

The Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra

Top class!
That is the claim of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra. The orchestra stands for concerts at the highest artistic level, musical education for all ages and looking beyond the musical horizon. Guest performances on almost every continent and collaborations with guests from all over the world have established the reputation of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra in the international classical music world.  

A stroke of luck - the concert hall  
The new concert hall in the Kulturpalast in the middle of Dresden's old town was opened in 2017. It is a stroke of luck for the Dresden Philharmonic, for the city and for the entire music world. It now has an excellent international reputation, and the people of Dresden also feel at home in its 1800 coral-red seats and surrounded by the "Dresden sound" of their orchestra. In the Romantic repertoire, the orchestra has retained its own warm, rounded sound. It also excels in tonal and stylistic flexibility for the music of the Baroque and Viennese Classical periods as well as for modern works.  

Over one hundred and fifty years  
Self-confident and hungry for music: in 1870, Dresden citizens took the initiative and founded the history of the Dresden Philharmonic. They gave the Stadtkapelle the opportunity to hold concerts in their trade house and were themselves attentive audiences. In the first decades, composers such as Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák and Strauss stood at the podium of the orchestra with their own works. Paul van Kempen shaped it into a first-class ensemble from 1934 onwards. After him, Kurt Masur, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Michael Sanderling and Marek Janowski, among others, left their mark on the Dresden Philharmonic. The orchestra promotes top young musicians in the Kurt Masur Academy.)

phil_young people
Exploring classical music on Sunday mornings with Malte Arkona and the new mascot Phili, experiencing the orchestra with the school class, being able to try out an instrument for themselves - young people with their curiosity about music are important to the Dresden Philharmonic. This is what the 35 or so family and school concerts every year and the new short concert series abFRACKt stand for, as well as the partnership with a Dresden primary school and, of course, more and more digital offerings, whether streamings, concert teasers, programme booklets or the digital concert introduction.

Listening again and again
The orchestra began making records in 1937. Today, the discography of the Dresden Philharmonic lists almost 330 works. Among the more recent recordings is a CD cycle conducted by Michael Sanderling with the complete symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich and Ludwig van Beethoven (Sony Classical). With Marek Janowski, the Dresden Philharmonic has recorded Mascagni's "Cavalleria rusticana", Puccini's "Il Tabarro", Beethoven's "Fidelio" and Schubert symphonies (Pentatone). In addition, a recording of Verdi's "La Traviata" with the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Daniel Oren has been released (also Pentato