Citizens Choir

A meeting point for everybody that love to sing in a group - That is, what the Citizens Choir is like. How to participate and what moves the members - here you find all the information.

Members of Citizens Choir sang within the framework of Filmnächte am Elbufer ©Oliver Killig

To sing means to connect and bond - to sing means to change something. The Citizens Choir has been found to realise this idea. Everybody can participate the singing evening without previous experience.

Prof. Gunter Berger, as choirmaster of the Philharmonic Children Choir, conducts the choir practice as well as the concerts. He is an expert when it comes to get the members going and fill them with enthusiasm for famous folk sings as well as unknown vocal works.

Everybody is welcome - even without previous singing experience! 

Choir rehearsals usually begin at 7pm and take place at the concert hall in Kulturpalast Dresden. You can find the next dates in the blue info box at the bottom of the page.

Its repertoire includes famous folk songs as well as unknown vocal works. At the bottom of the page you can find the notes and the texts for the next choir rehearsal.

If you want to get informed about dates and news about the choir, we can take down your mail address. Just use our contact form.


The next rehearsal will take place on 4th April at 7 pm. Booking a ticket is no longer necessary.

More dates:

  • 8 May 2025

  • 12 June 2025

› I love to share my love for music as well as the joy to sing with other musicians in the Citizens Choir. ‹
One member of Citizens Choir
Rehearsal of the Citizens Choir

Your sheet music and lyrics