
7th Dresden Choir Day

The best amateur choirs in Dresden present themselves


Sunday | 6/01/2025
6:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan
12 €
5 € for Gäste unter 18J.
9 € for young people
6 € for Dresden-Pass

About the Concert

Tickets for this event will be available from 12.06.2024 from 10 am.

It's already a nice tradition: once a year, the state capital announces the "Dresden Amateur Choir Award". The winners then present themselves at the award ceremony in the Kulturpalast. This is another opportunity to marvel at the diversity, skill and passion with which people sing in Dresden!


Gunter Berger
Pascal Kaufmann
Sigrun Rottstädt
Dresdner Laienchöre

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