Prices & Discounts

Here you will find our prices and discounts from the 2025/26 season. Your concert tickets are also valid as tickets 4 hours before to 6 hours after the start of the event on all local public transport - except special transport - in the VVO area.




Symphony concerts, OCT 3 and MRZ 11 26

64€ 53€ 45€ 39€ 29€ 22€ 8€

New Year's Eve concerts and NOV 15 25

95€ 80€ 70€ 60€ 50€ 35€ -

abFRACKt - short concerts

- 25€ 14€ - - - 8€

Best of Classics - short concerts

  45€ 32€ 22€ - - 8€

Chamber concerts

  19€ - - - - -

Film music concerts

  65€ 55€ 45€ 35€ 30€ -

New Year's Eve organ concert

  65€ - - - - -

Dresden Organ Cycle, except 11 MAR 26

  14€ - - - - -
* Seats go on sale on the Monday before the concert at 10.00 a.m., no further discount possible. Last minute tickets cannot be reserved.

Family deals

Standard price

Child under 18 years

Child under 3 years ***

Students in groups

Choir concerts and Once the lights are lit

24€ 6€

free of charge


School and family concerts

14€ 6€

free of charge

free of charge**

** One accompanying person from 12 students is free. Each additional accompanying person pays €6. *** Free lap ticket without a fixed seat, child sits on parents' lap, a ticket must be booked. Note for school classes: For group bookings in a symphony concert or short concert, tickets at €6 per pupil are available on written request to; while stocks last

Young people deal

On presentation of the discount entitlement, a ticket for students (school) and young people costs just €10. This means: discounts for all concerts of the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra (with the exception of end-of-year and special concerts) in price categories 1-5! Tickets are available in advance, in the webshop and at the box office.

The following are entitled to a discount

  • students (school children),
  • trainees,
  • students,
  • persons doing federal voluntary service or a voluntary social year,
  • people doing voluntary military service
under 30 years of age. 

Students (school children) under the age of 20 are entitled to a discount if they can present a student ID when purchasing tickets and entering the hall without being asked. Young people may also be entitled to a discount.

All other price regulations and discounts remain unchanged.