Prof. Guido Titze © Markenfotografie

Guido Titze

Principal Oboe
in the orchestra since 1985

Prof. Guido Titze was born in Cottbus, where he also received his first musical lessons in recorder, oboe, piano and composition. From 1976 to 1982 he studied at the Dresden Academy of Music with Andreas Lorenz (oboe) and Siegfried Kurz (composition).

He then joined the Staatskapelle Weimar as principal oboist. In 1985 he joined the Dresden Philharmonic, initially also in the solo position, and from 2003 as deputy principal oboist. In 2010 he was elected to the orchestra board of the Dresden Philharmonic.

Numerous record productions with the Virtuosi Saxoniae and the Dresden Wind Quintet as well as tours to all important music centers are proof of his versatile music making. In addition, he has been intensively involved with the baroque oboe since 1989. Guido Titze is co-founder of the Dresden Baroque Orchestra.

Since 2000 he has been teaching at the Dresden Academy of Music.