Rufus Beck © Christian Kaufmann

Rufus Beck

Rufus Beck calls himself a "decathlete of the performing arts" and has become known for many theatre, 14 cinema and 65 television roles. Beck celebrated his breakthrough in film in 1994 in Sönke Wortmann's "Der bewegte Mann" and was awarded the Bambi for his portrayal of "Waltraud". In addition to his theatre and film work, Rufus Beck is also known as an interpreter and producer of audio books - especially as the voice of Harry Potter. Rufus Beck has received several gold and platinum awards for his narration and has won, among others, the German "HörKules" audio book prize, the "Hörkulino" and the "Goldener Akustikus" and has sold over 4 million audio books.
Rufus Beck is also active as an author and director, among other things he was responsible for the various rock fantasy spectacles "Tabaluga" and in Istanbul he directed and wrote the international dance spectacle "Night of the Sultans". Another major professional pillar is his love of music and his guest performances with orchestras and bands.