New Worlds - Season 25/26 Read our digital season brochure here 


We tend to associate concerts with a lot of musical instruments rather than the human voice. However, there are many very beautiful pieces for orchestra and singers or choir together. We also have some of them in our program.

Audio Sample Choir

Wagner's RING is always a very special spectacle - also in terms of singing. We have therefore chosen an excerpt from Twilight of the Gods:


Many people remember this from music lessons: you had to learn a song by heart and then perform it solo in front of the class. A sheer horror for most people. But there is another way: people with beautiful singing voices are trained at music academies to become professional singers, and if they are really good, they later sing with large orchestras.

Of course, opera comes to mind first, but there are also many compositions for individual voices and orchestras. A distinction is made between the voices according to their height or depth: the sopranos sing very high, these are mostly female voices, but boys before their voice breaks can also sing this high. Slightly lower is the alto (has nothing to do with age, but comes from the Italian alto = high), which are also mostly female voices and sometimes very high-singing men. Pure male voices are the tenor (usually the radiant hero in operas, high register), the baritone (slightly lower) and the bass (very low).

Soloists in Wagner's Twilight of the Gods
Philharmonic Choir Dresden

The Choir

“Harmonium and male choir, that's how I imagine heaven!” But joking aside: when it comes to choirs, many people think of church or compulsory attendance at the school choir. But choral singing is so much more! Whether professional choirs, whose members have studied singing, or so-called amateur choirs, in which people sing in their free time - choirs in the concert hall usually generate a lot of emotion and have a strong charisma.

In our concerts, you can regularly experience excellent choirs together with our orchestra, so: just give it a try!

Concerts with singing